Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Random Things; Random Thoughts

  1. You know it's the Hand of God when you typed and sent a text to someone, and for some moment after that you realized that it was stupid words and waited for the reply in horror. But after 15 minutes you checked back.. It's never been sent.. Oh.. for the first time in my life, I love the INTERNET CONNECTION in INDONESIA..
  2. People said that it's just that hard to forget person who has been there in your life and means something different. Try this then; Imagine him/ her in the most disgusting thing he/she can do like picking up his/her nose in public place. Here it goes... Yuck!! I think I can let him/ her go off my mind. Mission accomplished.
  3. The first time I feel so strong in my life was this night. I went to the doctor to check my burnt wound which went worse, alone. In there, the nurse threated me by cleaning the wound, cutting, cleaning... It's hurt like hell and I've got noone on my side but only the nurses. It was raining outside, and I cried in silent. I was alone afterall. Victory!! I made it. I'm okay, but universe tested again by poured the rain from the night sky. It's cold...
  4. What do you think of yourself when you start to like something you don't like before. I hate "kerupuk mulieng" before, but now I eat that. I never drink Pocari Sweat before, but now.. even the smell drives me mad... I want it bad...
  5. I have like 4 handphones all of my life. The first one is Nokia 3310, and my brother sold it. The second one is MOtorola, while the third one is Samsung Star. I still keep them. No.. They're not working anymore. Too old, so they got retired. Haha
  6. Once I look back at 2011, I come to realize I am at this point in my life because I wanted to run off "something". Now, life keeps me upside down, and I want to run from this point in my life to that "something". God is Great afterall. God makes me learn in the hardest way I never knew before. Wiser is word I define myself now... Maybe.
  7. So many people come and leave in my life. Most of them teach me precious lessons, less that showed who they truly are. Afterall, I feel so alived, and grateful.
  8. Decisions can't be made when you're mad, nor when you're sad. Be careful of yourself.
  9. A rejection is always a rejection, no matter how great the first words are. If the last words mean No, then it's a BIG NO! Take that!
  10. MOney is always used for trading. But Most of the time you can spend it for someone else happiness, or hope at its best. Be thrift!
  11. Eat, drink, eat, drink... When you think fat is a burden, then it is so. 
  12. Friends and Money! NO... Never mix it buddy! Trust me! For whatever the reason is, no.. No for mixing them both. Unless, you've got no other relatives or family to ask for.
  13. Love comes in the time you never expect from personality you never expect. And Love.. love.. Come on dude, crush is for short term. Do we have the guts to love? For a way longer?
  14. Family. Place to run for, even sometimes they want you run from them. For the sake of your future they said. Forget it! If they don't understand you, dont push them to do so. Let go.. Just forgive yourself, then them.. And live your life again, your own way.
  15. Live your life.. Laugh as hard as you can. Smile often. Cry less. Appreciate more. Hurt less, and one thing for sure that I learn from my Co-teacher; "Dek, don't ever tried to find out the hurting words people said about you. NO... don't hear it. Close your ears if it hurts you". This Woman teach me something I never knew before. :))